Biology is about studying life, and since you're alive, it's really about you. Hopefully you'll find this very interesting!
Seek to improve your learning by polishing each project (page) in your notebook, until you've earned at least two stamps on each!

Monday, November 21, 2011

77 Cell Organelles Foldable part 2

Happy Turkey Week!
(a heads-up, progress reports go out on Wednesday...)

Monday startup:
A.  Get a computer or two per group, log in, open the blog
B.  Get your notebook, check your grade online  (use the link, click on grade book)
C.  If you think there's a mistake with your grade, tell me in person privately
D.  If you want to improve your notebook scores before progress reports, mark your fixed pages with bookmarks, and hand them in on Tuesday.

Project 77:  Cell Organelles Foldable part 2
From Welcome to Mr.Chapman's Biology Class Blog - Come on in, the learning is fun!
1.  Tape in the second foldable on p.77
2.  Open the Cell Organelle Powerpoint in the OUT FOLDER (get someone to help you if you STILL don't know how to do this...)
3.  Be patient, it'll take a while to load with everyone killing the network
4.  Finish the foldable insides with the name of the pictured structure, and the function of the structure (WHAT IT IS, WHAT IT DOES)

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