Biology is about studying life, and since you're alive, it's really about you. Hopefully you'll find this very interesting!
Seek to improve your learning by polishing each project (page) in your notebook, until you've earned at least two stamps on each!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

DNA Origami

Room decorations made from a double helix!
Oh, and it reinforces the structure of DNA too... :-)
Get the printout (at 90% works well)

Color it like this
Fold like this

Zooming in on your DNA

This is cool and informative --> ZOOMINGinONyourDNA

Monday, February 27, 2012

52 53 DNA --> RNA --> Protein (or, how does DNA control what happens in the cell?)

p.52 So DNA makes proteins, which control what happens inside the cell (in many many ways)

Make sure you know the process by which proteins are made from DNA...Write your notes on this page.

DNA --> mRNA --> Protein  (How well can you describe what happens at each stage?)
Watch this video - it's really good!

p.53 Can you make a protein from DNA?

First try it online (show the final screen to your teacher for credit :-)

Friday, February 24, 2012


This is a quick intro, but it's really not that complicated - DNA has two strands, and that helps in repair and replication!

DNA Repair and Replication!


Some notes on basic DNA structure

Make sure you know the four bases
How they pair
What's in the backbone
What is a nucleotide
What is a double helix

And then familiarize yourself with the scientists most associated with the illumination of the structure of DNA, and its role in heredity.
Watson, Crick, Franklin, Chargaff, and Wilkins

Here are the 5 papers most associated with the "discovery" of the structure of DNA

And here is a series of interactive videos about DNA - you can actually see some of the scientists (or their associates) talking about the process...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

48 49 Have your DNA and eat it too.

On p.48
1. Circle your sequence (1 or 2) and cross out the other one
2. Write the base pairing sequence (the complementary strand)

On p.49
1.  Did you build your DNA?
2.  Did you have another group sign off by step 7 that your strand is accurate?

DNA Structure 1

47 DNA Structure Notes

We're just getting started on this important part of Biology:

1.  First, write out what you know about DNA
2.  Now describe any patterns you can see in DNA (think like a scientist, what do you see?)
3.  How do the bases fit together?
4.  What is your DNA sequence (1 or 2?), write it, what is the base pairing (the other side)

DNA Structure 1

Thursday, February 16, 2012

46 Pedigree Charts

If you know the phenotypes of certain family members, what can you figure out about the actual genetypes of family members?

Does it help if you have more individuals in the chart?

Are there any genetic traits in your family that you want to try to chart?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

45 Progress Report

Get it signed by mom/pop/guardian before Friday (that's when it's due)

Remember, COMPLETED, FIXED WORK can be turned in during ADVISORY.

Have your advisory sheets out during bellwork if you want me to sign them!

Friday, February 10, 2012

41 42 43 44 Karyotypes (Little Ladybugs)

Make your hypothesis (p.43) about detecting genetic disorders with karyotypes, and then proceed to try to identify various genetic disorders by looking at karyotypes...

You can always refer to the normal karyotypes on p.41 if you are unsure...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

38, 39, 40 - Lions and Tigers and, well, at least some Border Collies

  • Work with a partner
  • Go to the dog breeding website
  • Follow the instructions on the handout to test your breeding ability
  • What do you understand?
  • What do you need more time to learn?

Monday, February 6, 2012

37 Domesticating Foxes???

  • Read the article
  • answer the questions (just the first 10)
  • turn in your answers to the correct period bin
  • work on something else (there's always more to do!!!)
When you receive the paper back, fold it in half, and then tape it to p.37 so the fold is in the middle, the answers are on the outside (facing you), and the article is inside the fold.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

36 Blood Basics

Do a one-page Cornell Notetaking session on the 10 Blood Basics slides.

The title is "Blood Basics"

Key concepts to include are:
Blood components
Blood alleles (A, B, o)
Blood Types (and Genotypes)
Rh Factor
Transfusions (Universal Donors and Recipients)