Biology is about studying life, and since you're alive, it's really about you. Hopefully you'll find this very interesting!
Seek to improve your learning by polishing each project (page) in your notebook, until you've earned at least two stamps on each!

Monday, April 30, 2012

89 Check out those skulls!

Or, let's play anthropologist

First, separate the data into measured and calculated (circle the measured data).
Now, make your measurements
Then, make your calculations...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

86 87 88 On becoming human

As you watch the "ON BECOMING HUMAN" video, think about the guiding questions provided in class, and answer on the provided sheets.

Here's the link to "ON BECOMING HUMAN" on

Going above and beyond?  Check out these links below...
This is an interesting interactive slideshow about what scientists think the fossil record tells us about our ancestors:

And here's a short video (5:00) about the evidence for human evolution:

Thursday, April 19, 2012

82 83 84 85 Investigating Natural Selection (Evolution)

Fasten in the handout (don't cut, just fold)
Read carefully, and color those graphs
We'll be chatting about our results on Friday and Monday, so make sure to answer the questions by Friday.

This isn't evolution:
But this is a neat look at some ideas about how we evolved

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

81 What Darwin Never Knew

Watch the video today, and complete 4 KWL series on page 81

K = something you already knew
W = something you have more questions about
L = something you learned

Four of each :-)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

80 Parent Communication

Get it signed by mom/pop/guardian!

Remember, work that you complete (late) can be turned in during advisory -
finish up + sign up + show up + stamp up = grade up = learn more :-)

78 79 Those Crazy Birds

78  Fill in a chart where you:
Describe the beaks of each bird
Describe the use of each bird's feet
Decide which habitat would be the best for the bird to survive in.

79 Answer the questions pertaining to the unique attributes of each bird, and how they help it survive in certain habitat(s)

Hummingbirds feeding slow-mo.
Pelican Diving
Eagle Feeding.

77 Your Awesome Animal

1.Design an animal that is built to survive
2.Describe 3 things about the animal that help it survive (3 attributes)
3.Explain how these attributes help it survive
4.Draw it J
5.Name it J

Think about what makes some animals better at surviving than others.

For some more fun, or just creative ideas, check out the switcheroozoo

75 76 Mastery Checklist - DNA-->RNA-->Protein

Make sure you know these things!  If you have any questions, be sure to fill in your gaps in knowledge...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

74 DNA Fingerprinting

How do we use forensic DNA analysis?
Watch this video for an introduction:

Let's use this technology to identify a potential perpetrator of a crime (and perhaps set some other suspects free?)

The link below will take you to the simulation of a "crime" scene - run the simulation, record the steps, and tell us who has DNA that matches then DNA found at the scene...

Make sure to document each step in the process!

Monday, April 2, 2012

72 73 Mastery Checklist for Chromosomes, Karyotypes, and Genetics

Make sure you can answer these questions thoroughly - any gaps in your knowledge at this point need to be filled; it's up to you to check your understandings and fill any gaps now...

71 Meiosis Mastery Guide

These are the important questions about meiosis that you should be able to answer by now...

70 Crossing Over

no, not the spiritual kind, but the kind that allows for more variation during meiosis.

We have two main methods of "mixing" up our DNA - the random assortment of the 23 pairs of chromosomes during Anaphase I, and

the crossing over during Metaphase I when tetrads are formed...

There's a handout with some nice pictures of crossing over for this page to supplement your notes on the topic.

67 68 69 Making Babies (with the right number of chromosomes!)

or, Meiosis

67 - we need to make sure that we have the right number of chromosomes in babies (zygotes), so somehow sperm and eggs need to be made with half the number (1N = haploid) of chromosomes of normal somatic cells.  Why do we put so much energy into this kind of reproduction? 
68 - draw the stages of meiosis
69 - checklist for your drawing on p.69