Biology is about studying life, and since you're alive, it's really about you. Hopefully you'll find this very interesting!
Seek to improve your learning by polishing each project (page) in your notebook, until you've earned at least two stamps on each!


What's my grade?

or use this link:

What's a grade all about?  Well, there's a lot of strong opinions on the subject, but essentially, it's some kind of measure of how well you did in the class.  Did you perform at a high level?  Did you learn a lot?  Did you stretch yourself?

Student performance should be the determiner of their grades, and if you're not on track to achieve the "grade" you want in this class, we should discuss how you can perform at a level commensurate with your goal...  remember, the goal of this class is for you to learn, and the best way for you to demonstrate how much you've learned is to, well, demonstrate what you've learned...
