Biology is about studying life, and since you're alive, it's really about you. Hopefully you'll find this very interesting!
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Thursday, March 7, 2013

67 DNA Replication

Today you'll need to do some research about how DNA makes perfect copies (replicates) of itself.

If you are still totally confused about DNA structure, check out the DNA stuff at the adaptive curriculum website

Getting started - watch this video:
To answer the following questions, you can refer to the above video, or find some other source(s)
here, or look elsewhere!

Please answer the following questions, and be sure to include your source(s)
1.  What is DNA replication?
2.  What is the name of the enzyme that unwinds/splits the DNA double helix?
3.  Draw an example of how by using each strand of the DNA, you can make two perfect copies.  (Use a sequence of at least 10 base pairs)  look here for some suggestions

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